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Post by Phạm Nguyễn Kim Duyên at 30.08.2021
Collagen has exploded in recent years and is a product not only for women but also for men. Understanding and choosing Collagen so that we spend money on it is worthy of the investment as well as satisfied with the results. Do not miss the information below.
As your body ages, it loses collagen. By age 40, you can lose up to 1% of your collagen each year. Protein loss is one of the reasons why your skin loses structure and starts to wrinkle as you age. It can also affect the strength of bones, joints...
Collagen is a protein in your body that makes up many tissues and organs. Protein supplements can help maintain healthy skin, muscle mass, bones, and joints. Saying that to understand the lack of Collagen in the body is a very natural rule and it is necessary to supplement Collagen with foods and functional foods. Many studies show that after the age of 25, it is necessary to supplement collagen. But which Collagen is appropriate and good?!
On the market today, there are 3 popular types of Collagen, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages, but in general, experts and doctors have an analysis on the basis of science and classification of Collagen types as follows:
Collagen powder
This is the most superior form of collagen available today. Especially hydrolyzed collagen from fish, many studies have shown that this is a type of collagen that is easily absorbed into the body and gives outstanding effectiveness because of its cleanliness & purity.
Collagen powder is also recommended by experts and doctors because of its safety and effectiveness. Especially hydrolyzed collagen from fish by permeability, absorption capacity is higher than normal collagen.
However, collagen powder is difficult to buy in the market, finding a reputable brand with quality products is not easy when in recent years, the demand for health and skin care supplements has been sought. Huge demand and limited quality supply!
This is also the form of Collagen of Lá House uses for its products. Super Collagen Amino Vitamin C + & Super Collagen Gluta Q10 is a pure powder, 100% from fish with ingredients imported from Japan, licensed and has a transparent profile with high content, up to 5000mg is an impressive number compared to others on the market. Along with other amino acids, Lá House Collagen brings high efficiency in changes of skin, hair, bones, joints, cardiovascular, especially increasing resistance and body's immune system.
However, collagen powder also has a weakness, that is, it is harder to drink than other types. Of course, what is pure, good for health is not taste good. Is Collagen of Lá House easy to drink?!
Of course, it is difficult to drink with filtered water for some people, but consumers can use Lá House's collagen powder to mix with fruit juices to enhance the effectiveness of use without affecting the quality, the taste of the product.
Collagen tablets
Is Collagen powder + excipient powder + preservative capsule coating powder. This is the form chosen by many people because it is cheaper and easy to carry and use. However, the collagen content in each tablet is limited, the highest is about 500mg/tablet. You have to add quite a few pills a day depending on your skin and the actual needs of your body. The disadvantage of Collagen tablets is that it takes time to dissolve, so the effect will be longer and slower.
Water-based collagen
Simply Collagen powder + water + flavor + aroma flavoring such as strawberry, orange ... This is also the type chosen by many people because of its good effect (only after Collagen powder), easier to buy. However, liquid collagen has the disadvantage that it is high cost, difficult to drink and difficult to preserve.
Depending on your needs and budget, you can choose the right type of collagen for you. Hope the above information is useful to you.
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