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Post by Phạm Nguyễn Kim Duyên at 29.08.2021
Don't miss verified useful infomation with many good health benefits.
Pink Himalaya salt is hailed as the best salt in the world because it was formed more than 250 million years ago by seismic changes in the earth that created a pure salt. Himalaya is the highest mountain in the world, stretching nearly 2,500 km across Asia. Today there are many types of pink salt on the market, but pink salt mined in the Himalayas is sought after and chosen by consumers because of its purity, many minerals, and many health benefits.
What are the benefits that pink salt brings?!
Proven natural body detox
Using bath salts to soak for 15-20 minutes twice a week helps to detoxify the body while helping you relax, soothe sore muscles and rejuvenate the skin. The minerals of pink salt when dissolved in water, with the principle of acting as ions to draw toxins out of the skin and fat tissue, giving a feeling of freshness and vitality.
Clean the air
Himalayan pink salt is often used in rock salt lamps to help purify the air because pink salt when placed around the light bulb will absorb moisture from the air in, the heat from the lamp will return fresh air, toxin-free. At the same time, it helps people to release negative energy quite well
Used to beautify at Spas
The coarse grains of pink Himalayan salt make it a commonly used ingredient in spa treatments such as facial and body scrubs to help reveal smoother, more radiant skin, especially folliculitis skin, lumpy...
Soothes aches and pains
In pink salt, there are calcium, magnesium and some minerals that are easily absorbed through the skin to help heal damaged muscles, that's why when you move a lot, your leg muscles are very sore. At night, soaking your feet with pink salt, you will feel comfortable and easier to fall asleep. This is also a way used by kings and grandparents as health therapy since ancient times. Because, the minerals in pink Himalayan salt work to strengthen bones, skin and connective tissues, reducing muscle aches and pains in the body.
Control blood pressure
Pink salt has a lower sodium content than table salt. Unlike regular salt, pink Himalayan salt does not dehydrate you. In fact, it aids in hydration which helps maintain fluid balance and blood pressure in the body.
Tip for you:
Himalayan Pink Salt of Lá House is the cleanest and purest salt in the world through a special formula containing additional pure essential oils, including 8 natural oils that not only cleanse, but also deeply moisturize the skin, relax the body. After bathing, you will clearly feel a layer of moisture on the skin. Highly antiseptic and nourishing essential oils are suitable for the treatment of dermatitis, psoriasis or folliculitis. Women regularly soak with Himalayan bath salts to soothe cramps, prevent hot flashes, cramps or water retention in the body.
Use for soaking in the bath, soaking the feet: Put 200g - 300g of Himalayan in the tub, fill the tub for the salt to dissolve. Suitable water temperature is from 37-40 degrees Celsius. The ideal soaking time is 20-30 minutes.
Use for exfoliating, folliculitis treatment: Grind salt, mix it with honey (strengthen with oatmeal to treat dermatitis). Mix them well and use as an exfoliating salt. Rinse with lukewarm water.